Insane Pickaxe
This package gives you 1 'Red Insane Pickaxe' with the enchantments of:
- Efficiency 10
- Fortune 9
- Unbreaking 10
- Netherite 1
These enchantments are impossible to get using any other methods in-game, such as using /enchant or an enchantment table.
Take Note - This is the RED INSANE PICKAXE, not the 'Blue' one - Enchantments differ (use /rares to see the difference). The 'Blue' one cannot be purchased, and is an upgrade from your Red Insane Pickaxe using /shards

You must have 1 free space in your inventory to receive this item upon purchase.
If you lose this item, die with this item, or in any other way no longer have access to this item, you will not be refunded or receive another one. This item will take a very long time to break, but is not unbreakable, therefore, is your responsibility to repair the item as and when required.
As a special thank you, you are also given access to the 'INSANE' /tag!
A maximum of 20 Insane Pickaxes will be sold at this price (£9.99). After 20 have been purchased, the pickaxe will increase in price.
Price Increased to £14.99. This price will remain until another 20 have been purchased, then the pickaxe will increase in price again.